Nut Harvest
The perfect solution for those who are bored with pouches of peanuts and chicken wings under a heat lamp.
Creative Strategy
Sub Brand Design
Packaging Design
The core Nut Harvest product line competes with highly commoditized, private-label brands, primarily in C-stores. Frito-Lay knows this approach is a path to diminishing returns. To proactively defend market share and to connect with new consumers, Nut Harvest has an exciting product innovation to launch: Protein Cookies. It’s a step away from the core product line, so we’ve got develop a package design to help make the jump in a relevant, powerful way.
The consumer we’re after is looking for a protein-packed sweet snack on-the-go. Once it hits the physical shelf, it will depend on an awareness of the C-store/impulse-buy context, packed with competing brands at eye level. These new Protein Cookies will have to play off of important cues beyond nuts: protein-powered energy, healthier-for-you-yet-tasty, crunchy & delicious.
Our goal with this work is to disrupt with purpose, balancing the energy, healthier-for-you sensibility, and deliciousness of the innovation. To pop, grab eyeballs, and deliver on the functional aspects of the innovation.